#1 mobile app for UFO sighting stories and real-time alerts
Top Cities
1. Canberra 46
2. Newcastle 38
3. Wollongong 22
4. Parramatta 21
5. Launceston 18
Enigma Index
UFO Sightings in Australia
Enigma Sighting
Third-Party Sighting
Countries and territories are sourced from the official Board on Geographic Names.
So far, 1079 sightings from Australia have been submitted to Enigma, and inclusive of third party sources, a total of 5161 sightings from Australia have been published on our platform. Enigma also has the largest standardized, queryable historical sighting database with over 270k+ reports from other global sources.
To open these map sightings and get the full story, use our iOS app here.