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Enigma #296393
Score [59]
Metal-like object seen in the skies followed by seagulls
I was inside with my front door open. All the sudden I heard seagulls going cray making all kinds of noise. So I went outside to see all the commotion. Sometimes the gulls will be attacking an eagle or predator. I also always listen and watch for birds because there kinda of like a warning weather. The birds where so loud the my woke my daughter up who was sleeping on the couch. As we stood outside watching about 100 gulls folllowing this object. It was like the shape of [PERSON]’s girl friend from the movie. I noticed it because the light hit it and the top of it was shiny and metal. I’d say it was probably 3 feet tall. The flock of gulls continued to follow this object. It wasn’t a drone. Bit it must of been admitted some kind of frequency the birds didn’t like. As my daughter and I continued to stand outside although we couldn’t see the object or birds anymore. A man came walking by and seen us looking at something got out his phone and another man came from the opposite direction. When the man seen us looking out he texted the other man. They both kept looking at us suspiciously and walked off together. They looked like scientists. I know it probably could have been just friends but the way the 2 men were acting was so strange. I wish I would’ve gotten a video of the object. I just didn’t want to miss seeing it when getting my phone. I did end up getting a pic of the 2 odd men though lol.

- Address
- Hidden for privacy
- Duration
- 3m
- Shape